Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birthday Poem

I thought I had found all of my letters from Craig, but packing for my move to New York today I found a poem and note Craig had written for me on my 21st birthday, right after he got back from his mission. The poem is dated March 20, 2004.

I remember I was home from college for the weekend, and Rebekka and I were up late that Sunday night sitting in our living room when we heard a knock on the door and we opened it to find a rock and underneath the rock, two pieces of lined notebook paper with a red bow on top. Curious, I took it inside and opened it up and it was a beautiful poem Craig had written for me and a personal note. I won't share the poem here on the blog-- it's... for me... :) ... but I remember now how happy I felt that night reading the poem and how bright it made my birthday that year. I liked the poem enough to pack it to California! And now I'll take it with me to New York as a permanent part of my personal records.

--Reija Matheson

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