Monday, July 28, 2008


I heard a song today that reminded me of Craig, and so I thought I’d share this short memory with his family. He and I shared a room last summer. I played him a song once by Beethoven (called the cavatina) and he really loved it. I told Craig that Beethoven had been deaf for twenty years when he wrote it. He said that if a deaf man could write something so beautiful, then how hard could opening a can with one hand be? Well, he didn’t have a computer at the time, so he’d log onto mine and loop this song by Beethoven and play it over and over for like four or five hours at a time. Then he’d play it all night long while we were sleeping, for the whole summer. I could tell that there was more to Craig than just energy and optimism (although he showed more of both in one summer then I ever will be able to). He was also a very smart guy with a lot of interests and a huge capacity. Someone to be proud of. God bless him and his family.


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